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If you are thinking in buying or selling a property and need legal assistance, do not hesitate to get in contact with us. We are experts in the field.

You will receive global assistance during all steps necessary for the sale or purchase of your property. We take charge of carrying out all proceedings, even from the private purchase contract –thus excluding all abusive clauses- and up to the signature of the deed before the Notary Public, including payment of all taxes thereof and its registration at the corresponding Land Registry. In all purchases, we make sure the property to be bought is free of any charges or encumbrances of any kind.

In the event you cannot or do not wish to be present at the signature of the purchase or sale deed, we offer the possibility of granting a Power of Attorney, both in Spain or abroad, authorising our company to act on your behalf throughout all steps of the purchase or sale and up to its completion.

Furthermore, our services include the processing, contracting and direct debiting of all property utilities (electricity, water, taxes and community of owners’ fees).

And if you are thinking about making an extension to your property or make a new building on a plot, we will be pleased to help. Our mission is to make things easier for you.


In case of death, we carry out all steps necessary for the administration of the estate, starting by obtaining the death’s and/or last will certificate, or even the probate, up to finding the executed will and signing of the corresponding inheritance deed.

As the whole probate process is so complex, it is highly advisable to be supported by a lawyer who can manage efficiently the whole process in such a way that there are no unexpected fiscal or other risks alike due to the non-performance of any of the steps as appropriate.

Our Firm has over 25 years experience in the field and we are in the position of offering a wide assessment on any kind of probate matters. We will be glad to assist you to this respect.


Granting a will in Spain is very important, even if you have already granted another will in your country of residence. If you are thinking of granting a will and need legal assistance, do not hesitate to let us know.


This service is aimed to help all our non-residents clients in the payment of whatever taxes need to be paid in Spain.

Our Fiscal Department performs all arrangements for payment of our clients’ Wealth and Income taxes. We make payment on your name, making sure your taxes have been deposited with the Tax Authorities while you live abroad.

We calculate the amount of taxes you need to pay, complete the tax declaration forms to be submitted and, finally, hand them over personally to the banks for them to make payment effective.

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